Colins latest appointment came in at 20/100 [improvement from 20/150! but no change in category 3 as right now the depth of field is the main improvement.] with glasses during his recent vision appointment! What does this mean? He's still -8 and -9 however, he still has all those other additional issues that go along with Stickler syndrome and always will be having them. This is a degenerative disease. It's inevitable.
Within the past 2 weeks or more I've mentioned about the increase in vitamin intake and supplements he's been receiving. I really think this has been greatly been helping him! He has less fatigue, less crankiness, less rolling around on the floor in pain and extreme fatigue no matter what he eats/drinks during the day. What I've done differently..on a basic idea situation: 3 multivitamins in the morning, 1 at night to maintain vitamin intake on a 24/7 basis. He additionally receives Carlsons Fish oil, Carlsons DHA, Vitamin D, Vitamin B's, and one other liquid one in additional to vitamin C and magnesium. The eye dr based it upon the eye glasses, and down played nutrients. Of course, naturally, they downplay something they typically don't research or don't have enough research to back up. I've read plenty of Retinal research to show that a significant increase in vitamin intake helps with vision and Retinal health. Why not? I know after years of taking vitamins growing up that it does no harm and can even help me cure a sickness within a day or two vs. having it last for a week. I'm considering actually bringing him to a nutritional specialist to see additional diet and vitamin needs he most likely needs in combo with blood work to see where his blood balances or imbalances out at this time.
As for anything else new..lots is going on. I will write more blogs later. At this current time, I will say that I'm fully aware of a huge audience this blog is reaching and most of them being family or friends. I additionally want to say that we appreciate those who have been and are continue to show it to us. We greatly need this type of support in our family right now in our lives than any other time in our lives. It really does speak miles to us even simple gestures or words. Of course, support goes higher and into a more spiritual sense otherwise I know me as a mother I'd be lost with out that support since I'd only be relying on others when others are not always or never available for me. With that said, I know lots of people will take every and any word I might write on here to heart and offense. If that is the energy and intention you're seeking, I'd highly encourage you to stop reading my blog. That isn't my intention and by you don't such is only going to continue such negative energy from being created if not multiplied. I do not stand for this type of behavior. I will no longer be punished for what my son has and how others are 'offended' for him having it and me speaking out. That is all I have to say at this time. At least those know where I stand.
Bottom line, Colin is special needs. This is about him. We ask others to stop making it only about them with what ever is said on this blog. Freedom of speech. Also, I really don't understand why those find the need to seek out our family, who Mike once served our country and go after them? I don't stand for this behavior towards me, any more.
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